
Presentations from R Markdown

Robert J. Walls
University of Massachusetts


An R package for Creating slides from R Markdown.


Philosophy: Separate the content writing from the its rendering.

Making Slides

Uses R Markdown.

Start a new slide with a blank line followed by three dashes (---).


## Title

### Bigger text

Basic text:
 - Thing 1
 - Thing 2


Big text

Basic text:

  1. Thing 1
  2. Thing 2

R Markdown

You can use all of the features you love in Rmarkdown including:

  • bullets
  • Italicized and bold font.

As well as numbered lists:

  1. Thing 1
  2. Thing 2

Animated lists:

  • This is probably specific to IO2012
  • Point 2


Column 1 Column 2
Foo Bar
Blah Blah
Bing Bang
Column 1  | Column 2
Foo       | Bar
Blah      | Blah
Bing      | Bang

Front Matter

Every deck starts with YAML to specify the basics.

title       : Slidify 
subtitle    : Presentations from R Markdown
author      : Robert J. Walls
job         : University of Massachusetts
framework   : io2012        # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...}
highlighter : highlight.js  # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight}
hitheme     : tomorrow      # 
widgets     : [mathjax, bootstrap]     # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap}
mode        : selfcontained # {standalone, draft}
biglogo     : robertsrobot.png
logo        : umass.png

Tables from a Data.frame


df <- diamonds[seq(1, 5), ]
df <- with(df, cbind(price, carat, cut, clarity))

# Make the header
header <- paste(colnames(df), collapse = " | ")
dashline <- paste(rep(c("---"), length(colnames(df))), collapse = " | ")

# Add the data
data <- aaply(df, 1, paste, collapse = " | ")

It is actually running this code.

Tables from a Data.frame

cat(header, dashline, data, sep = "\n")
price carat cut clarity
326 0.23 5 2
326 0.21 4 3
327 0.23 2 5
334 0.29 4 4
335 0.31 2 2

Make sure to set results='asis'.


ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, price)) + geom_hex()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Use echo=FALSE to hide the code block on your slide.


Write equations like you would in LaTeX.

Equations can be written inline, \(\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=i}^{n} x_{i}\), such as this. Or if you want to get fancy:

\[ H(X)=-\sum_{i}{P(x_i) log_b P(x_i)} \]

$\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=i}^{n} x_{i}$
$$ H(X)=-\sum_{i}{P(x_i) log_b P(x_i)} $$

In the starting YAML, make sure to include

widgets : [mathjax]

Syntax Highlighting

Use fenced code blocks to render code with syntax highlighting.

def hello():
  Such a boring function
  print 'hi!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Getting Started

You have to use Hadley's devtools package to download and install Slidify from Github.

install_github('slidify', 'ramnathv')
install_github('slidifyLibraries', 'ramnathv')

It is simple to create a new presentation.


#Create a new presentation called 'mydeck'

Slidify does the setup work for you (including creating the github repo). You just need to edit the index.Rmd file!


Sharing your handiwork is easy.

# Generate the Deck

# Publish it to github
publish(user='rjwalls', repo='SlidifyTest', host='github')

Puts the presentation at Note that you need to setup your Github SSH keys.

Can also use Rpubs or Dropbox.

Where's the magic?

title       : Slidify 
subtitle    : Presentations from R Markdown
author      : Robert J. Walls
job         : University of Massachusetts
framework   : io2012        # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...}
highlighter : highlight.js  # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight}
hitheme     : tomorrow      # 
widgets     : [mathjax, bootstrap]     # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap}
mode        : selfcontained # {standalone, draft}
biglogo     : robertsrobot.png
logo        : umass.png


The default slide framework is io2012 from Google's 2012 I/O developer conference.

Adds some nice presenter features

  • Pressing 'p' toggles speaker notes (if they're on the current slide ((buggy)))
  • Pressing 'f' toggles fullscreen viewing
  • Pressing 'w' toggles widescreen
  • Pressing 'o' toggles overview mode
  • Pressing 'ESC' toggles off these goodies

Append ?presentme=true to the presentation url to get the presenter view. Use ?presentme=false to disable presenter mode.

Slide Metadata

Slide level metadata are specified as key:value pairs. Commonly specified metadata like id, class and layout can also be identified by prefixing with punctuation marks #, . and & respectively.

--- &vcenter
--- .segue .dark
--- .segue .quote .dark, bg:url(allyourbase.jpg)
--- &vcenter

Lime cat

Lime cat is important.

--- .segue .dark

Segue Slide

--- .segue .quote .dark, bg:url(allyourbase.jpg)

All your base are belong to us.

Two Column Layout

This slide does not have two columns, but it should.
